Friday, August 19, 2016

SB 269 Lawsuits

Good news. The Governor signed SB 269 which would give small businesses [50 employees]that hire a Certified Access Specialist, some time to take care of the problems before a lawsuit in California courts  can be filed. It also allows some time to take care of problems with signage and warning strips. Note a suit in Federal courts is still allowed because a state cannot preempt the Federal government. It  is hoped the Federal Court will take this as a good faith effort on the part of small businesses.
Last year Senator Roth had a similar piece of legislation which would have done the same thing but had tax credits.  The Governor vetoed it because of the tax credits so SB269 does not include this.
I hope all of you have considered hiring a Certified Access Specialist.  if you are in San Francisco, I believe, a small business can have the City pick up the cost of this report Contact the Office of Small Business for details.
Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA  94116

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