Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SB 626 (Beall) - Workers' Comp

Small Business California is very cautious about opposing bills in the legislature and we have not taken a position on SB626. But to say we have some serious concerns here is a bit of an understatement a s it would repeal many of the reforms of 2004. See our Governmental Affairs

Person[ Lori Kammerer] comments on the bill. It is supported by the Injured Workers and United Farm Workers

Senator Beall introduced SB 626 last Friday. Below is a brief breakdown of the bill.

1. Permits Chiropractors to serve as Primary Treating Physicians beyond the 24 visit cap

2. Allows the WCAB to over-rule IMR determinations

3. Requires UR and IMR physicians reviewing treatment requests to hold the same type of license as the requesting physician (ie only chiropractors may review chiropractors)

4. Permits an increase in permanent disability ratings for psychological injuries that arise out of a physical injury

5. Eliminates the confidentiality of IMR reviewers

What do you think?


Scott Hauge


Small Business California

2311 Taraval Street

San Francisco, CA 94116


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