Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Election/ Covered California/ Health Law Guide

So the election is over.  I don’t think there were a lot of surprises in California and nationally the Republicans have taken over the Senate and added seats to the House.  As one pundit said, are the Republicans going to have internal fights amongst themselves and be the party of no or are they going to try to find ways to come together and work with the Democrats to find solutions to issues like immigration and tax policy?  As for the Democrats, are they going to look for ways to solve problems or are they going to find ways to work with Republicans or are they going to use their ability to filibuster and stop legislation?
The answer to these questions will have an impact on the 2016 presidential election because the people of this country want solutions to problems and they seem  to be saying “show us Republicans what you can do now that you control both the Senate and the House”. 

As far as turnout, I am not clear what the numbers will be.  In looking at the Secretary of State report, as of now, turnout is just under 30% but I think that will increase.  In any event they are going to be historically low in a general election and below what we have seen in years.

Please see information from the Health Law Guide For Business and the changes in the Small Business Health option plan in Covered California.  Small Business California has been a part of the development of the Health Law Guide.


Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA  94116

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