Monday, June 17, 2013

Budget/ Bill Status/ GoBiz

So the Governors May revise has passed and The governor seems to be the big winner except for his proposal to eliminate the Enterprise zones.

On that he will be bringing back his proposal at a future date. We expect to see some language in the next few days.


Also on the budget AB 769 which would eliminate the New Operating loss carryback was not in any amendments in the revise so it is dead but it could come back in a gut and amend. We will be watching between now and August to see if this comes back.

A little known provision in the budget will give the courts an additional $60 million. This is good news after all the cuts the court has seen.

AB 837 which is a sponsored bill by Small Business California will be heard today in Senate Business Professions and Economic Development and is expected to pass on consent calendar today.

AB10 has passed the Assembly and will be going to the Senate. This bill will raise the minimum wage to 8.25 in January 2014 , $8.75 January 2015 and $9.25 January 2016. The bill also has a provision for increases based on cost of living index.

How many of you have had contact with the Governors of Business and Economic Development[ GoBiz]. If you have worked with the Governors Advocate for Small Business you have had contact. How many have attended the Brown Bag events on the Affordable Care Act put on by Barbara Vohryzek the Governors Small Business Advocate. How many don’t know what GoBiz is?

Scott Hauge


Small Business California

2311 Taraval Street

San Francisco, CA 94116


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