Wednesday, April 07, 2010

David versus Goliath Support SB1373

Yesterday we got great news that Betty Yee the Chair of the Board of Equalization will be sending a letter of support for SB1373.

This is Small Business California’s bill that would require vertically integrated manufacturers[these are manufacturers that make asphalt and concrete and then bid on the construction project] to pay the same sales tax as small contractors when they only do the construction work. Right now these vertically integrated manufacturers have a competitive advantage of between 6% and 7% and this bill will level the playing field.

We now need your help.

You might be saying to yourself this doesn’t affect me. Why should I send an email? The reason is that small business is only going to be effective when we work together. This clearly is a case of inequity for small contractors. It is the big guys versus the little guys. I think you would hope that when an issue effects your industry that you would get the support of other small businesses not impacted.

Please send an email to Bob Hartnagel in Senator Leno’s office. His email is:

The letter very simply is -

Dear Senator Leno,

As a small business I strongly support SB1373 that will correct an inequity in the Tax Code and level the playing field for small business when competing against big companies. We appreciate your leadership on this.


Your name
Your company

Cc Revenue and Tax Committee

Please send a copy to me and I will make sure the Revenue and Tax Committee gets a copy of your email. I think this is doable in less than 5 minutes and it will make a difference.

Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA 94116

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