Thursday, February 06, 2014

2014 SB Survey | Should Employers Provide Health Insurance?

Please see below, our 2014 annual survey link. This is really important for Small Business California as it sets our agenda for the year. It will take about 10 minutes or less. The results of the survey will be sent to every Assembly person, Senator, and House member in the state, the Governor, and our two National Senators . Our Manager of Governmental Affairs uses it throughout the year when working with elected officials and government people. It is also frequently referred to by the media.

2014 Survey direct link -

For past surveys go to

Thank you for completing  and please send out to other small businesses you know.

When I talk to small businesses about providing health insurance many tell me that they do not think health insurance should be linked to employment. Keep in mind, these are not necessarily people who do not provide insurance for their employees. Currently, most people in the US are covered by their employers.                      

What do you think? Should people get their health insurance through their employer? Do you provide insurance for your employees?


Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA  94116

1 comment:

Australia Business News Online said...

I wish a law would be passed requiring health insurance for employees.