Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fed up. Get Small Business Jobs Bill Passed

See below for a great piece on the stalemate in Washington on the Small Business Jobs bill. I like it because it takes both Republicans and Democrats to task.

Both parties are playing politics with our livelihood and I am fed up with it. To both parties and the President get the Small Business Jobs Bill passed and let small business do what we do best. Create jobs.

To all those on the email tree please forward this to your colleagues and get people to write to their legislators. Senators Boxer and Feinstein support this so it is more important you get your Congressperson on board.

Marcus and Ahmod thank the Senators for their support.

Thank you Tony Wilkenson from the National Association of Government lenders for sending me this article.

Give small business the credit it deserves

Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA 94116

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