Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I have the names of all of you that said you would send letters supporting HR 5141 but have decided to send the sample letter to everyone and hope you will take a couple of minutes to send the following.

Honorable Dan Lungren
US House of Representatives
Washington DC 20515

Dear Congressman Lungren:

I am a small business owner and am writing in support of your bill HR 5141 the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act . HR 5141 will repeal section 9006 of the recently passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act PPAFC. PPAFC places a major burden on small business by requiring us to send 1099s for virtually all businesses we do business with.

The PPAFC requires me to send 1099s for anyone that provides goods and services to me with a value of $600 or more. This includes corporations and businesses that provide materials to me. I do not currently have to do this.

I currently send 1099s for [ fill in the number] businesses. If PPAFC goes into effect I will have to send [ fill in the number]. Not only will this create a serious paperwork problem to send these but it will create a problem for me to get all the tax ID numbers.

I also think it would create a serious problem for the government processing the millions of additional 1099s they will be receiving.

Thank you for introducing HR 5141 and we will be urging the House Member in our district to support this legislation also.


Be sure and include your name, company name and address.

Feel free to change this anyway you would like. If you are a sole proprietor you might add that your tax id number is your social security number and that you are concerned about identity theft.

Also if you think the number of additional 1099s is too small just say you support the bill.

Copy me and Kevin Holsclaw in Congressman Lungren's office (Kevin.Holsclaw@mail.house.gov) on the letter.

I will also send a copy of your letter to your House member and copy you on this.

Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA 94116
415 680 2188

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