Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Independent Contractor Letter

Please see letter below being sent to every state Assembly Person and State Senator. We need to have as many of you as possible send a letter of opposition to your Assembly Person and State Senator. The situation is that the 3% withholding could be included in a budget bill to be sent to the Governor in the next week or so as part of the 8th Special Legislative Special Session.

Please click on to identify your legislators and to contact them. I sent a sample letter earlier in the week but don’t worry about the eloquence of your letter just that you oppose this and how it impacts you.

The California Chamber of Commerce has also sent out an alert on this issue.

I am pleased to tell you our annual survey just went over 1300 respondents. We are going to be keeping it open a couple more weeks as next week we will have it in Spanish also.

If you would like me to send the survey to you in Spanish so that you can distribute please let me know. I especially would like to hear from the Hispanic Associations that are on this email.

You all know that Small Business California has been working on the stimulus funding for SBA 7a and 504 loans to keep the 90% guarantees in place, waive the fees on these loans and increase the size of the loans from $2 million to $5 million. We are hearing that the Republicans seem to be okay with the allocation of this money to the 7a and 504 loans but are struggling with the increase to 5 million. The current money allocated for the guarantees and waiver of fees will run out the end of February.

As you can see Small Business California is extremely busy representing your interest. I hope you will consider joining Small Business California if you haven’t done so already. The cost is $150 for businesses with sales of less than $1 million and $300 for businesses over 1 million. You can join by going to our website at or we can send you an application and invoice you if you ask us to do so by return email.

Scott Hauge
Small Business California
2311 Taraval Street
San Francisco, CA 94116

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