Friday, July 25, 2008

Loss Carryover Letter

Dear CA Small Business:

Please copy and paste the letter text below to your company letterhead and send to me at Please fill in your name, title, and comany name. Thank you.

July 25, 2008

The Honorable Dave Cogdill and The Honorable Don Perata
California State Senate
Sacramento, CA 95814

The Honorable Karen Bass and The Honorable Michael Villines
California State Assembly
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Exemption for small businesses from loss carryover tax suspension

Dear Senators and Assembly Members:

I am a small business owner in California. I am very concerned about the proposal from the Senate/Assembly supporting the Net Operating Loss Carryover.

This proposal is being put forth as a big business tax loophole, but in reality it effects over 6 small businesses (under $5 million in receipts) for every 1 large company.

This measure would have a devastating impact on start-up businesses, small businesses interested in expanding and small businesses impacted by the cyclical economy.

I urge you to seriously consider the impact of this measure and if it does move forward, exempt businesses with less than $5 million in revenues. Thank you.



1 comment:

jb said...

Don’t wait, be effective and take a chance at the right moment!
You are surviving the recession and you are waiting for the recovery. Now, while you wait for the recovery and the chance to once again make some money, take a look at these marketing recommendations and plan ahead, but also the main key for your small business.
Focus on high-potential customers, don't assume a return to normal, assess your target customers, trust in your brand, stay focused on costs, know your lead indicators, develop scenarios and don't wait for permission. These steps are one, but for your small business, the is an innovation tool that you don't have to miss.